API endpoint to get the extra payment type reference data.
DecreasePrincipal - The payment will decrease the next principal repayment amounts of the loan equally, and the interest will also change accordingly. The decrease is divided across all principal payments (total payment is divided across all remaining cashflows). If accrued interest is applicable on the day you perform this extra payment, this will be paid first.
NextActualPayment - The extra payment will pay off the principal amounts of the first (next) repayments of the repayment plan. Accordingly the interest related to the repaid principals will also become zero. The interest, which isn't paid, will become part of the first to be paid repayment.
LastActualPayment - The extra payment will pay off the principal amounts of the last repayments of the repayment plan (i.e. the final cashflow). Accordingly the interest related to the repaid principals will also become zero. Any fee item will be marked as cancelled and not paid. In case of a pre-computed loan, the fee should be paid.
PrincipalOnly - The payment will decrease the next principal repayment amounts of the loan equally, and the interest will also change accordingly. The decrease is divided across all principal payments (total payment is divided across all remaining cashflows). If accrued interest is applicable on the day you perform this extra payment, this will not be paid.
get https://apim.demo01.my.fivedegrees.cloud/publicapi-sbx/api/v1/reference-data/extra-payment-types